Silly Goose didn't come to play on EP “Bad Behavior”

If you haven’t heard of Silly Goose yet, you’re missing out! The nu-metal rockers have been making waves with their rap-rock tunes and have blown my mind once again with their second EP, Bad Behavior. It’s refreshing to hear a band that really brings something new (or nu) to the table. Their songs are bounce-off-the-walls crazy with unmatchable energy, and they’ve brought that energy to makeshift venues such as trains, gas stations, and even Cracker Barrel parking lots. Go big or go home seems to be their motto.

The EP opens with title track, “Bad Behavior”, a larger-than-life song filled to the brim with excitement. Every second is either building to an explosion or doing the exploding. The song talks about the grittiness of working your way up from the bottom and going from being bullied to being “paid for my bad behavior.” The feeling of invincibility is evident in this one; the band is untouchable, and they aren’t just saying that. Just watch a few videos from their shows, and you’ll see that they don’t come to play.

If the words “swaggarocious” wasn't in your vocabulary before this, add them, and put a little note that says “courtesy of Silly Goose.” On “Tsunami,” they take you for a ride through their ocean of intensity and magnitude. The tsunami has Silly Goose-shaped waves, and they are coming for you! The vibe changes a little bit halfway through, slowing it down and saying, “Sometimes it seems scary down here / Sometimes I fear it’s the calm before the storm.” This is easily my favorite from the EP because it shows how well they can create balance while still embracing their unique sound.

As if their energy wasn’t contagious enough, “Live It Up” serves it to you on a silver platter. I can just picture myself at the next Silly Goose show, probably in a Buccee’s parking lot or something, absolutely thrashing around like a madman when this song is played. To me, it’s freeing. To be able to feel energy so strongly from music and allow it to take you somewhere else is not as easy as it sounds, but Silly Goose makes it look easy with every song. “Live It Up” has a Limp Bizkit type of edginess mixed with Eminem’s bars— but much more punk rock.

Just to make their status clear, they made sure you knew on “King Of The Hill.” At the rate they're going, they’ll be at the top in no time! It’s so catchy, and the silky smoothness of “Keep climbing up / I’m closer to the sun” creates a perfect dichotomy between that and the screams. Then, finishing out on an extremely strong note, “Everything Is Over Now” screams about the problems in the world around us and how we all just watch the world burn instead of doing something. Their punk roots really show themselves on this one. The sense of urgency is portrayed through quick guitar riffs and heavy percussion, almost inviting you to join their cause.

I’m so excited to see where Silly Goose goes from here. Fresh faces in the nu-metal scene are a joy to watch, and the progress they’ve made thus far is tremendous. The EP truly represents who they are and what they stand for while being their authentic and, of course, silly selves. Be sure to catch them on tour! They’ll be trekking all around the U.S. with Unitytx throughout the fall!


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