Wallows shares a second sampling of their upcoming EP with the amped-up “Coffin Change”
Indie rock trio Wallows — comprised of singer and guitarist Dylan Minnette, bassist and singer Braeden Lemasters and drummer Cole Preston — continue their steady musical output with “Coffin Change,” a quintessentially Wallows-sounding track that’s amped-up, guitar-forward and promises that the group’s upcoming EP will deliver on its promises.
Part of the band’s upcoming More EP, due March 28, “Coffin Change” comes on the foothills of “Your Favorite Song,” a mellow Minnette-led cut with soft guitar plucks and saxophone. “Coffin Change” amps things up, with revved-up electric guitar strums and Lemasters taking the lead alongside a simple lyrical composition.
In some ways, the song takes after “Going Under,” another Lemasters-led standout from last year’s Model, which showcased the singer pushing his voice further than before to a near-screech. Where Minette’s deeper voice glides out more smooth and assured, Lemaster’s delivery offers a kind of vulnerable sincerity that is sometimes harder to find with his bandmates behind the mic. The lines “If there's a price to pay, maybe I'll find it in my pocket/Pinching all my pennies 'til they shove me in my coffin/Up, up and away/Up, up and away,” are fired out through a stacked vocal arrangement that lies above a clang of percussion and the buzz of synthesizers.
The song is a product of what Wallows does best: pen songs that are to the point, easy to follow and shine with melodies that get embedded into the ripples of one’s brain folds. If “Coffin Change” proves anything, it’s that More is likely to offer five additional cuts that capture the trio’s strengths.
Photo by @cloudyytots