Malcolm Todd’s “Bleed” is an Electric Love Song for the Emotionally Vulnerable
Malcolm Todd’s new single is a solemn energetic ode to how someone can be completely open with another when in a relationship, letting their “heart bleed” when they are a perfect match for each other.
Vampire Weekend returns with 'Only God Was Above Us'
This marks the band’s triumphant return— their first album in five years, their second in almost a full decade, and an overall transformative sound from what the band used to be.
hey, nothing revitalize folk rock with their dynamic debut project, “We’re Starting to Look Like Each Other“
Tyler Mabry and Harlow Phillips attain indie excellence with their first full length record.
Mia Wray releases 'Stay Awake'
Mia Wray releases her debut EP, cover photographed by Lisa Businovski.
WOAH doesn’t “want to fight it anymore”: sitting in an open room Review
WOAH debut their sophomore EP sitting in an open room
brakence hypochondriac album review
A review of hyper pop artist brakence’s third album release, hypochondriac
The Backseat Lovers' "Waiting To Spill" overflows with raw emotion
Review of the Backseat Lovers latest release, Waiting to Spill