Joyce Manor | 2/6/2017

The band opened with “Catalina Fight Song”, the ideal crowd opener, which set the intensity for the rest of the show. After the opening song, Joyce Manor played a few songs off of their debut and self-titled record including, “Orange Julius” and “Leather Jacket.”  

Singer Barry Johnson acknowledged the crowd numerous times, asking “how’re you guys doing tonight?” Johnson later complemented the audience for exclaiming, “Fuck you!” between songs. He remarked that he had been saying things like that to performing bands since he was young and going to shows.

The band then began to modernize their arsenal or songs. They played a series of songs of their latest record, Cody, and the crowd was entirely perceptive. They enjoyed the songs off of their newest record just as much as they did their debut and self titled record.

Joyce Manor closed off the show by playing the concluding track to their debut and self titled record as an encore; Constant Headache. This song is my personal favorite and in my opinion, their strongest track. It finished the concert on a very high note and it also allowed the crowd to hear a fan favorite.


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