Phoneboy @ Bowery Ballroom

Phoneboy is calling in to be the indie band of the summer. Their electric music featuring smooth guitar riffs and chords makes for the perfect soundtrack to listen to, especially with summer coming in full force. Phoneboy emanates somewhat of a Beach Boys’ sound, but with a modern twist. Go ahead and roll the windows down and start driving, because Phoneboy is about to take off. 

On May 11th Phoneboy was celebrating the last show of their Moving Out tour, finishing off in the Bowery Ballroom in New York City. The tour began at the end of March, on the same day their newest album, Moving Out, was released. The band is made up of four members; Wyn Barnum (singer and guitar), Ricky Dana (singer and guitar), James Fusco (bass), Jordan Torres (keys), and Cristian Nace (drums). 

The Bowery Ballroom was filling up with people as the band was set to come on in a matter of minutes. Phoneboy t-shirts were visible on almost every back of the people who staggered around in the audience, showing immense support for this band. Phoneboy unsuspectingly came on stage from the dark side door and quietly began setting up, getting ready to play. Fans were excited and rowdy; as the band was setting up people in the audience were continuously interacting with them, their smiling faces visible from all the way in the back of the venue. 

The show started out with a ringing phone playing from the PA, and with perfect timing. the instruments kicked in. The lively and rambunctious audience was already cheering and jumping in support. One very young fan immediately started jumping up and down with excitement, his buoyancy impressive, being able to jump several feet above the heads of the crowd. He was that excited to be seeing Phoneboy that he physically couldn’t hold it in. 

Phoneboy played through their catalog of originals, such as “1987” and  “Acid Girl.” Barnum went to the mic and announced that not only was this their last night of tour, but they sold out the venue. 

All of their high energy songs were joined with enthusiastic cheers and singing along from the crowd. It seemed that every single audience member knew every word. The audience moved and danced through each song, only pausing when the band did.  The floor of the Bowery Ballroom could be felt bowing underneath our feet due to the movement of the sold-out crowd, almost like the feeling of being on a trampoline, which should be slightly concerning. 

During the set, the band went around and introduced each member, which was guided by audience praise. Then stating, “We’re so excited to be back in New York. We have so many friends here,” the lead singer paused as cheers ceased, “and, all of our moms are here!” The crowd erupted in cheers and clapped for the band members’ moms ahead of Mother’s Day Weekend. 

About halfway through the show Barnum went on the mic to announce the next song, “Open Up,” from their newest album, Moving Out. It was evident that this song was a fan favorite based on the audience reaction when he announced the song. The crowd had their hands in the air, arms swirling and dancing to the internal beat of the music. The high energy song excited the crowd and many took out their phones to capture the moment so it could live on forever. That song was another moment when the floor felt buoyant, somewhat like a water bed.

Finishing off their cross-country tour with one last night in New York City, it seemed that this show would be one never to forget. Toward the end, Barnum said, “We’ve been on tour and this is the last show. Tonight is a good night to get fucked up with your friends and that’s what this song is all about.” The crowd cheered and screamed, a point where hearing damage just might be permanent for the audience as the band kicked into “Roses.” Without a care in the world, everyone began dancing with their friends, the same energy as the feeling of driving late at night with the windows down, or having a dance party where no one is watching. This show was all about high energy music and making unforgettable memories with friends together. 

Keep up with Phoneboy to create your own memories on Instagram, Spotify and their website


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