Blood, beats, and Belasco: Ashton Irwin's explosive solo debut

Los angeles, california - july 18, 2024

Ashton Irwin’s first-ever solo show at The Belasco Theater in Los Angeles, CA on July 18th was nothing short of electrifying. For the past decade, he has been known as the drummer of 5 Seconds of Summer, but now Ashton stepped into the spotlight to celebrate the release of his second solo album, BLOOD ON THE DRUMS, delivering an unforgettable night for fans.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the crowd eagerly awaited Ashton’s arrival. When he finally took the stage, the theater erupted in cheers. Ashton’s energy was infectious as he seamlessly transitioned from singing to the crowd, singing with the crowd, to joining his bandmates for dynamic performances. He moved effortlessly across the stage, and his charismatic presence was a testament to his artistic growth.

The setlist primarily featured tracks from BLOOD ON THE DRUMS, showcasing Ashton’s evolution in sound and lyrical depth. Standout performances included the powerful and introspective “Breakup” and the high-energy “Wicked Habit” Fans were also treated to a few favorites from his debut solo album Superbloom, including “Greyhound” and “Have U Found What Ur Looking For?” These tracks provided a nostalgic nod to his earlier solo work while highlighting his artistic progression.

A highlight of the evening was Ashton’s impressive drum solos. Known for his mastery behind the kit, he didn’t disappoint. Bringing his drum set to the front of the stage and delivering performances that were both technically impressive and emotionally charged. The sight of Ashton drumming front and center was a thrilling experience for the audience, blending the familiarity of his 5 Seconds of Summer days with his new solo identity.

Throughout the night, Ashton took moments to express his gratitude to the fans. His heartfelt thanks and reassurances that 5 Seconds of Summer was still going strong were met with enthusiastic applause. It was clear that this solo journey was a deeply personal one for Ashton, and the support from the crowd was unwavering.

Ashton Irwin’s debut solo show at The Belasco Theater was a resounding success. His high-energy performance, combined with genuine interactions with the audience, created an explosive and memorable atmosphere. Ashton has truly come into his own as a solo artist, and if this concert is any indication, his solo career is destined for great heights.


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