Sam Evian Slows Down Time for Two Nights in Los Angeles

los angeles, ca - may 18, 2024

You may know Sam Evian from his incredible work producing and engineering with bands such as Big Thief, Blonde Redhead, Widowspeak, and more. However, his own music and the magical atmosphere of artists Evian has cultivated around him are equally as notable as his impeccable work with others. Tucked away in the Catskills like something out of a dream, he opened the doors of his recording studio, Flying Cloud Recordings, in a new barn on his property. He and his partner, Hannah Cohen, crafted what can only be described as a perfect artist paradise in the woods.

Friends and fellow musicians travel to Evian’s studio to stay, write, record, swim in waterfalls, and find pieces of themselves nestled by the genuine care and genius attention to craft Evian & Cohen have made a reality. It was here that he, alongside friends and fellow musicians created his latest album, fourth LP, and first imprint by his own Flying Cloud Recordings, Plunge.

Plunge has the power and depth of classic albums, like The Beatles' Let It Be, in a way that feels effortlessly timeless, music made to last. It’s like Evian is taking us on a sonic journey of rich sounds and precious relationships, all made in real-time; you can feel the vulnerability in his words, the true craftsmanship of his work, and the love within the rooms in which he’s making the music. It feels real because it is real. It all translates like a precious gift being shared with us, something that feels intimate, warm, and downright good to be embraced by.

Plunge feels incredibly intentional yet beautifully free-spirited at the same time. The depth and range Evian showcases throughout the album, from vocals and instrument arrangement to overall production and mastering, feels so seamless one might think such work seems to be as natural as breathing air for the multi-talented artist.

I was lucky to catch Evian, Cohen, and friends on their second evening playing at Lodge Room in Los Angeles I arrived in time to catch Hannah Cohen, the second act of the night, and a vision of perfection, sitting on the stage, glowing like an angel. Her graceful stage presence reminded me of mesmerizing performances by iconic artists like Carole King, Joanie Mitchell, and Mazzy Star, yet someone also uniquely herself. Backed by Evian and friends, Cohen’s dreamy voice floated through my mind like a cool gentle breeze on a warm summer night. Her sweet, cheeky words between songs beamed with a sincerity often lost in this age, and her beautiful set only confirmed my love for her music and respect for her as an artist. I’ve repeatedly listened to her 2019 album “Welcome Home” since the show. 

When Evian took the stage for his set, he brought Cohen and others in their “traveling circus” of friends and bandmates to join him. Showcasing his talent and versatility, Evian rolled through his songs, performing various roles, often simultaneously singing, playing keys, and guitar. He covered all the hits, including a personal favorite of mine off his new album “Rollin In,” which sounded impeccable live. When I closed my eyes, I felt like I was in that same warm barn full of friends where I imagined it was recorded.

He proceeded to impress as he pulled out a saxophone, hypnotizing the audience in what felt like it had to be some sacred mountain magic. He showcased magnanimous talent as a musician and such potency in crafting each sound together that it changed my brain chemistry in the best way possible and solidified that Sam Evian is, in fact, a Renaissance artist, an artist’s artist.

With his authentic voice, whimsical backup vocals, and enchanting melodies, the crew took us on a ride I wished wouldn’t end. Seeing Evian live and witnessing him clearly doing what he loves to such an incredible degree partnered with the beautiful company he keeps, is inspirational to say the least. It’s something powerful enough transport you mentally to the Catskills on a glistening starry night, near a fire in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by people you love, getting so lost in the good company and moments being made that you lose track of time or perhaps realize time is just an illusion afterall, sunrise appears over the tree tips as you wander away for a moment to take it all in, to take a plunge into some ice cold waters in a secret oasis at dawn, you resurface anew.

Evian has found a way to hold onto the best pieces of life and turn them into captivating art in such a genuine way. His music aids in slowing down time and encourages you to rejoice in the simple, sweet pleasures existing all around us, to breathe it all in. I highly recommend playing his latest album, Plunge, all the way through, reading the full story behind the intimate process of the album being made on his website, and never missing out on a chance to see this crew live if you’re lucky enough to get the chance!


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