The Thing With Feathers reveals sophomore EP ‘Waste My Revenge’

The Thing With Feathers is everything you’re missing. With the latest release of Waste My Revenge, the EP is laced with a nostalgic sound. The band walks the listeners through the process of being someone else to fit the role needed, questioning who you are, and figuring out who you really are. The Nashville indie rock band formed in 2018 and had their breakthrough the following year. David Welcsh (vocals, guitar), Chris Roussell (drums), and Alex Hendricks (lead guitar) released their sophomore single ‘Figure It Out’ in May 2019. The song has gained over 1.5 million streams on Spotify. 

The Thing With Feathers started releasing each song off the EP individually in August 2022. 

Starting with ‘Don’t Break My Heart’, the song opens with a dazzling guitar riff then the bass and drums jump in. The bridge has catchy lyrics like “And can we drop the bullshit it’s so demanding / You’re talking not understanding / Stop wasting my time / Telling me lies” backed with the thumping of the bass drum to really drive the point. 

‘Everything I’m Missing’ is the second song off the EP and describes the internal conflict of figuring out who you are. The song shows progression in which Welcsh essentially sings about “Who am i? What am I doing? What’s next?”. ‘Everything I’m Missing’ feels as if it was pulled straight from a coming of age movie with melancholy lyrics like “Stuck in this daydream and it keeps going on and on I’ve heard I’m wrong / Well why don’t you change me / You’re clearly complaining / Guess everybody’s got me wrong”. The instrumental paints a nostalgic vibe working with the emotion behind Welcsh's voice. With a melodic guitar riff and dramatic chorus you’ll find yourself humming the song after listening to it just once.

‘Golden’ offers a carefree vibe that makes you want to drive in the city at night and hang out the window, letting the wind blow through your hair. “I feel alive tonight / I don’t notice where I’ve been but babe I feel alright”, follows through with progression now at the stage of figuring things out and enjoying life. The chorus provides a dramatic feel instrumentally and while Welcsh sings about life.  

In the fourth track ‘These Drugs’, the instrumental swirls and builds into the other instruments.  The song sounds upbeat and chipper but Welcsh walks the listeners through a toxic relationship, the perfect example of the sad breakup song with light hearted music. Alongside the release of the single, the band shared what it means to them, “It’s about being in the worst part of a bad relationship. When you know it’s over but you’re still hanging on for any hit of the high it used to be. It’s the slow death of an optimist, only living in glimpses of the past''. 

The title track on the EP ‘Waste My Revenge’ starts with a guitar riff then the rest of the instruments gradually come in smoothly, one by one. The instrumental and vocals create a buildup to the chorus and swells to Welcsh singing about knowing a relationship is over but ignoring it in hopes things can keep going. He questions if he’s enough and pretends to be someone else to fit into the relationship. Welcsh’s voice is loaded and oozing with emotion, delivering lyrics like “Maybe we got lost again / I won't pretend I knew the end was coming / So I just kept on running”.

The Thing With Feathers takes a completely different direction with the final song on the EP. ‘Can You See Me’ projects a harder rock feel compared to anything else the band has released. The instrumental illuminates a dark, prominent sound followed by Welcsh projecting his vocals “Bite my tongue / I know your game / What will it take to walk away”. ‘Can You See Me’ has an instrumental that sharply cuts through and creates an electrifying aura. 

Waste My Revenge is an EP packed with a variety of songs and at least one of them is bound to be stuck in your head. The EP is now available on all streaming platforms and catch The Thing With Feathers at one of their upcoming shows.

(Cover photo by Hannah Gray Hall)


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