Turnover, Mannequin Pussy, Summer Salt | 4/20/2018


Austin, TX’s Summer Salt had no issues capturing the Indianapolis crowd’s attention. The band’s groovy rock had the audience moving and nodding their heads throughout the entire set. While we at Off the Record don’t condone any illegal activities, the mellow tunes were exactly what we would like to listen to on a night like April 20th.

A stark contrast, Mannequin Pussy took the stage with a crazy intense energy. Singer Marisa Dabice’s vocals were passionate and pointed. A few fans in the front row may not have seemed very happy, covering their ears, but the rest of the crowd was jumping and moshing. The fiery spirit of the band was something you either love or hate.

After much anticipation from the audience, Turnover took the stage, opening with ‘Super Natural’. Immediately fans began singing along and swaying to the music. After a technical hiccup during the third song of the set, the band resumed, unfazed. Every person in the room was moving, even if just a little bit, and the vocals were a duet between vocalist Austin Getz and the city’s fans. 


Fry Your Brain With The Maine | 4/21/2018


Phillip Phillips | 4/6/2018