Basement, Citizen, pronoun, Souvenirs | 5/15/2018

Souvenirs treated those who arrived early to the venue with their sound, which was somehow mellow and upbeat at the same time. The act set the tone for the rest of the evening.

Brooklyn’s pronoun didn’t let the heat and humidity stop them from putting on a show. The one-woman act, fronted by Alyse Vellturo, performed with a backing band, who were equally as talented and captivating.

By the time Citizen stepped on stage, the room was full. As the first notes hit, those waiting drew in closer to the stage. The band needed no introduction, simply starting into the set’s first song with echos coming back from the crowd.

Before Basement even stepped on stage, the lighting in the room changed from a dull red to a bright blue, then dark. In the darkness, the audience members began chanting, waiting for the set to begin. The blue light returned as the band playing, and lasted until the end of the set. The crowd had the same energy and movement as they did with the previous act, but were much more spread out throughout the large room.


Billie Eilish | 6/7/2018


Fry Your Brain With The Maine | 4/21/2018