The Wonder Licks Bring Classic Americana Out In New York City
The Wonder Licks are a New York City based classic Americana band that feels almost authentically out of another era, and yet, there isn’t a twinge of replication in their music; it all feels imaginative and new. It seems as though The Wonder Licks have perfected their niche, with a mix of natural talent and immense practice, all of which have paid off. The band includes Jacob Wunderlich (vocals and guitar), Sam Westervelt (bass), and Tyler Reina (drums).
The Wonder Licks were set to take the stage at Heaven Can Wait on the evening of November 21st. Wunderlich leads the band on stage as he heads right up to the front, picking up his guitar and strapping it over his body. “New York,” Wundherlich spoke into the mic. “We’re The Wonder Licks. Thanks for coming.” Just as he finishes speaking the last word, he immediately counts in the first song, the band following just seconds behind him as they begin, “I’m Not Going To Sit In Your Back Pocket.”
Wunderlich strummed his guitar the entire time, the instrument laying in direct eyeline with the audience, the perspective drawn straight to his organic strums.
Each of Reina’s drum hits was distinct and bold, occasionally steadying the entire band and providing the perfect metronomic timing, other times playing a bouncy rhythm that is the first thing the ear picks up. The bass and drums were married perfectly together, never a moment where they differed in timing or precision. The bass lines were bold and unique to each song, matching the guitar or having its own rhythm yet continuously hitting every beat in sync without one mistake heard from the audience.
A few songs in, Wunderlich paused before introducing the next song. “I’d like to call to the stage a special guest, John Jackson.” He then continues by explaining, “this song’s on our record coming out next year, at an undetermined time. Don’t hold your breath. It’s called ‘There’s A Place I Go.’” A few guitar notes rang out as Wunderlich began playing the riff. A few beats later, Westervelt and Reina joined in unison. Jackson accompanied the song on violin, adding a layer of depth between the deeper tones of the bass, drums and guitar, filling the higher-toned space perfectly.
Throughout the set, The Wonder Licks played songs from their original discography, including “Nobody’s Wife,” “Sunlight (I Find Myself),” and “Go One Get Gone.” The band's set was addicting to watch. Wunderlich sang the lyrics quickly into the mic with intense and powerful diction. Each syllable was just as important as the last, and the listener is left waiting for the next to be spoken. Some of the lyrics he sang matched the same pattern as the rhythm section, and others, were more similar to spoken word poetry. Yet each word was sung or spoken with immense care and importance for the song.
Just before their last song in the set, Wunderlich looked out into the audience and said, “New York, we’re The Wonder Licks! Thanks for coming.” Under his breath he then counted in “Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out.” And just as the last notes rang out, Wunderlich thanked the audience as the band swiftly exited the stage, closing their evening set.
Find The Wonder Licks on Spotify, Instagram, and their website.
Photos via Jon Vazquez